Employer Survey - Local Hiring Effects Study and Strategy
The Municipality of South Bruce is developing a Local Hiring Effects Study and Strategy to understand the needs of its labour force and the skills needed to participate in the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Project. The overall objective of the Local Hiring Effects Study and Strategy is to maximize the opportunity for project employment of people residing within South Bruce while sustaining the workforce needed by the existing businesses in the Municipality.
Leading the study on behalf of the Municipality is MDB Insight, an experienced and respected consulting firm. Their consultants will be involved throughout the development of research and analysis for the Local Hiring Effects Study and Strategy, including all stakeholder engagement aspects.
A critical component of the Local Hiring Effects Study and Strategy is this Employer Survey. As an employer in South Bruce, your input is critical to the study. You will help gauge strengths, challenges, and priority areas that support a vibrant economy and meet the NWMO Project labour force requirements.
Please note there is a separate survey for Employees/Jobseekers that can also be found on Switchboard. If you are an employee/jobseeker in South Bruce, please consider completing that survey.
Please be assured that your answers will be kept strictly confidential. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes of your time. Only the summary results will be shared publicly. Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary.
If you have any questions about the survey or the Local Hiring Study, you can reach out to Evelyn Paul, Senior Consultant, MDB Insight (epaul@mdbinsight.com) or Catherine Simpson, Community Engagement Officer, Municipality of South Bruce (csimpson@southbruce.ca).
Please note this survey is open until February 16th at 4pm.