Local Hiring Effects Study and Strategy

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The Municipality of South Bruce is developing a Local Hiring Effects Study and Strategy to understand the needs of its labour force and the skills needed to participate in the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Project. The overall objective of the Local Hiring Effects Study is to maximize the opportunity for project employment of people residing within South Bruce while sustaining the workforce needed by the existing businesses in the Municipality.

Leading the study on behalf of the Municipality is MDB Insight, an experienced and respected consulting firm. Their consultants will be involved throughout the development of research and analysis for the Local Hiring Effects Study and Strategy, including all stakeholder engagement aspects.

Critical components of the Local Hiring Effects Study include the Employee/Job-Seeker Survey and the Employer Survey, respectively, which were available until February 16th at 4pm.

There was an industry-focused workshop on February 23rd at 7pm which was an opportunity for employers, business owners and business associations to provide critical input to the study.

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